Conferences Media

Sustaining music in the digital arena at the European Forum on Music 2023

From 8 to 10 June 2023, over 150 representatives from more than 20 European countries gathered at the House of Music Hungary in Budapest for the 11th edition of the European Forum on Music (EFM).

Music and digital are intertwined in manifold aspects. The digital environment offers a wide range of tools for creating, producing and listening to music – at the same time, the digital has, and is, constantly changing the music ecosystem.

The session will look into current trends in the digital world and their implications on the music sector. How is it affecting creation and production? What are new and fair models for music distribution? What role does artificial intelligence (A.I.) play in the context of music and digitisation?

All this will be examined and discussed against the values as proclaimed in the IMC 5 Music Rights.

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