Homepage #2


Rencontre avec Lara Morciano sur Radio France

Ecouter le podcast sur Radio France Lara Morciano est une artiste Erc ReachIRCAM ! Retrouvez la ce soir sur France Musique, elle parlera notamment de son utilisation de Somax2 et de son nouveau projet « Des Abysses aux Etoiles » avec l’ITN de l’école des Mines. Corinne Schneider rencontre la pianiste et compositrice italienne Lara Morciano (née […]

REACH in RFI Musique : a Creative Revolution ?

Critical Climate Machine won British Computer Society Futures Awards

REACH in Japan Audio Tech Magazine

Gérard Assayag avec Raphaël Enthoven et Laurent de Wilde sur TSF Radio Jazz

Concerts Events Media

Improtech @ Uzeste Concert Videos are Online !

https://improtech.ircam.fr/ikuzeste Improtech is both a music festival and an interdisciplinary workshop bringing together research and creative players from all over the world to promote musical improvisation in interaction with digital intelligences, in an approach based on human-machine co-creativity. Following successful editions in New York, Philadelphia and Athens, Improtech @ Uzeste! (ikUzeste’23) will take place from […]

Les vidéos d’IMPROTECH Uzeste en ouverture de l’Hestejada 2023 sont en ligne.

Workshop at Improtech Paris-Tokyo 2024

IA co-créative Djazz avec Bernard Lubat et Raphael Imbert à Marseille

First time featured in the Computer Music Journal!


The REACH project aims to understand, model and develop musical co-creativity between humans and machines through improvised interactions, enabling musicians of all cultures and levels to create new artistic forms, develop their skills and increase their individual and social creative potential.