Concerts Events Media

Improtech @ Uzeste Concert Videos are Online ! Improtech is both a music festival and an interdisciplinary workshop bringing together research and creative players from all over the world to promote musical improvisation in interaction with digital intelligences, in an approach based on human-machine co-creativity. Following successful editions in New York, Philadelphia and Athens, Improtech @ Uzeste! (ikUzeste’23) will take place from […]


Reach nominated for Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year 2024

Project Reach was nominated for Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs Of The Year 2024. REACH : Raising Co-creativity in Cyber-Human Musicianship The research objective of this inter-disciplinary project is to model and enhance co-creativity as it arises in improvised musical interactions between human and artificial agents, in a spectrum of practices spanning from interacting with software agents […]

Conferences Events

Interaction co-créative dans l’improvisation musicale humain-machine – Mikhail Malt, Marco Fiorini (IRCAM)

Read original article Le jeudi 2 mai 2024 Cet évènement fait partie de NUMOK, festival des cultures numériques des bibliothèques de la Ville de Paris (édition 2024) Conférence / performance sur le concept de co-créativité dans l’improvisation musicale et l’interaction humain-machine avec Mikhail Malt et Marco Fiorini (IRCAM). Dans le cadre du Festival Numok. L’accent […]