Concerts Events Media

Improtech @ Uzeste Concert Videos are Online ! Improtech is both a music festival and an interdisciplinary workshop bringing together research and creative players from all over the world to promote musical improvisation in interaction with digital intelligences, in an approach based on human-machine co-creativity. Following successful editions in New York, Philadelphia and Athens, Improtech @ Uzeste! (ikUzeste’23) will take place from […]

Concerts Media Music

Artisticiel : Lubat/Assayag/Chemillier at Improtech @ Uzeste 2023

  See the video directly on youtube:  Read More  Post Content    Erc Reach Workshop – Festival : Uzeste, France August 11-13, 2023 — 11h – Théâtre Amusicien l’EstaminetArtisticielpar Bernard Lubat, Marc Chemillier, Gérard AssayagCocreative AI : Somax2, Omax, Djazz Improtech is both a music festival and an interdisciplinary workshop bringing together research and […]

Concerts Media

Collectif Trans(e)-musical – IMPROTECH Uzeste 2023

Collectif Trans(e)-musical – IMPROTECH Uzeste, 46e Hestejada de las artes, 11 août 2023 Justin Vali (cithares valiha, marovany, voix) Charles Kely Zana-Rotsy (guitare, voix) Marc Chemillier (clavier, logiciel d’improvisation Djazz) Sabina Covarrubias (vidéo temps réel) Lucas Lemoine (Elektron Cycles) Réalisation : Yuri Prado Caméras : Laure Duthilleul, David Quesemand, Yohann Rabearivelo Enregistrement : Patrick Lafrance […]