Italian quartet tellKujira entered IRCAM studios for an artistic residency.The ensemble, consisting of Ambra Chiara Michelangeli (viola), Stefano Calderano (electric guitar), Francesco Guerri (cello) and Francesco Diodati (electric guitar) is defined as an “imperfect” chamber quartet, with two electric guitars instead of violins. Its music moves between contemporanea, electronics, art rock and free jazz, making use […]
Elaine Chew, piano Gérard Assayag, somax2 Boulez Fragment d’une ébauche performed with improvised timing and expressions in duet with cello part generated from fragments of improvisations by Francesco Guerri from the Italian group Tell Kujira Ircam Studio 3 Friday, 26 January 2024, afternoon 2nd video clip from Gérard