Concerts Conferences Events News Workshops

Piano-AI Dialog And Heart-Breath Visuals In Mystery Machines At MES2024

A collaboration between ERC projects REACH and COSMOS, Elaine Chew and Gérard Assayag present Elez / Boulaine – a semi-improvised dialog between a pianist and generative electronics with real-time visualisation of performer physiology – at Mystery Machines, the closing concert at Mathemusical Encounters in Singapore, an NUS Institute for Mathematical Science workshop. The concert took place at 8pm on […]


Mathematical Morphology for the Analysis and Generation of Time-Frequency Representations of Music

Gonzalo Romero-García. Mathematical Morphology for the Analysis and Generation of TimeFrequency Representations of Music. Signal and Image Processing. Sorbonne Université, 2023. English. ffNNT : 2023SORUS554ff. fftel-04470770f Full publication Download publication Abstract: This thesis explores the application of Mathematical Morphology to the analysis and generation of music, focusing on two time-frequency representations: spectrograms and piano rolls. […]


Discovering Repeated Patterns From the Onsets in a Multidimensional Representation of Music

Paul Lascabettes & Isabelle Bloch. Discovering Repeated Patterns from Onsets, Third International Conference on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology, (DGMM), Firenze, Italy, accepted. Full publication Download publication Abstract: This article deals with the discovery of repeated patterns in a multidimensional representation of music using the theory of mathematical morphology. The main idea proposed here is […]