Concerts Events Media

Improtech @ Uzeste Concert Videos are Online ! Improtech is both a music festival and an interdisciplinary workshop bringing together research and creative players from all over the world to promote musical improvisation in interaction with digital intelligences, in an approach based on human-machine co-creativity. Following successful editions in New York, Philadelphia and Athens, Improtech @ Uzeste! (ikUzeste’23) will take place from […]

Media Music

Guiding Somax2 Agents with Real-Time Recognition of Flute Playing Techniques

  See the video directly on youtube:  Read More  Erc Reach Demo of the system implemented in the article: « Guiding Co-Creative Musical Agents through Real-Time Flute Instrumental Playing Technique Recognition » by Marco Fiorini and Nicolas Brochec , presented at the Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC 2024), Jul 2024, Porto, Portugal. Read the article here: […]

Media Music

Concert #1 – Improtech @ Uzeste 2023

Available now, Improtech @ Uzeste 2023 ! concerts recordings !   See the video directly on youtube:  Read More  Erc Reach 21h 30 – Chapiteau Marie Lubat – concert IMPROTECH N° 1 TrioMarco Fiorini (guitare, ordinateur Somax2), Francesco Diodati (guitare), Lorenzo Colombo (percussions) Maciek Lasserre MCK [S] feat. Gaston Bandimic (Sénégal)Maciek Lasserre (saxophone, percussions, sampler), […]

Concerts Media Music

Artisticiel : Lubat/Assayag/Chemillier at Improtech @ Uzeste 2023

  See the video directly on youtube:  Read More  Post Content    Erc Reach Workshop – Festival : Uzeste, France August 11-13, 2023 — 11h – Théâtre Amusicien l’EstaminetArtisticielpar Bernard Lubat, Marc Chemillier, Gérard AssayagCocreative AI : Somax2, Omax, Djazz Improtech is both a music festival and an interdisciplinary workshop bringing together research and […]


Maths & Musique #3 : Musique, combinatoire des mots et improvisation par ordinateur, par Marc Chemillier

Lire la publication originale. Par Marc Chemillier, Directeur d’études de l’EHESS La musique entretient depuis toujours des liens étroits avec les mathématiques. Les pythagoriciens à partir du Ve siècle avant J.-C. commencent à s’intéresser aux rapports entre la musique et les nombres. Beaucoup plus proche de nous, Joseph Fourier (1768-1830) jette les bases de l’analyse harmonique […]