interview gerard assayag
Articles Radio/TV

A scientist’s opinion: Interview with Gérard Assayag on AI in music

Read original article Gérard Assayag is an Ircam research director and head of Ircam Music Representation Team in Paris. He has co-designed various music research software environments which are used in many places for computer assisted composition, analysis and improvisation. How can an AI-tool play music together with a human musician? Gérard Assayag: By listening to music our computer program creates a kind of cartographic map […]


Creative Improvised Interaction with Generative Musical Systems

Shlomo Dubnov, Gérard Assayag, Vignesh Gokul. Creative Improvised Interaction with Generative Musical Systems. 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Multimedia InformationProcessing and Retrieval (MIPR), IEEE, Aug 2022, CA (virtual), United States. pp.121-126,ff10.1109/MIPR54900.2022.00028ff. ffhal-04010750f Full article Download PDF Abstract: In this paper we survey the methods for control and cre- ative interaction with pre-trained generative models […]


A posthumous improvisation by Toots Thielemans

Marc Chemillier, Shlomo Dubnov, Ke Chen, Mikhail Malt, Gérard Assayag. A posthumous improvisation by Toots Thielemans. Toots Thielemans (1922-2016). A Century of Music across Europe and America, Royal Library of Belgium, Bruxelles., 2023. Full publication Download publication Abstract: In jazz, the presence of the musician is of such central importance that the recordings considered to […]


The smile of Velonjoro. Bi-musicality and the use of artificial intelligence in the analysis of Madagascar zither music

Marc Chemillier, April 15, 2022, October 10, 2023 Read full publication Abstract: Mantle Hood’s notion of bi-musicality coined on the model of bilingual, applied to people able to play music from two different cultures. This notion is still used and discussed today although it is redefined in the era of globalization and postcolonial issues where […]


Research Project Will Study How AI Can Be Used In Creative Collaboration

Read original article on Forbes website By Eva Amsen – Contributor – Writing about the overlap of science and art This article has been updated with a clarification about the REACH project Musicians have been experimenting with artificial intelligence for a few years now. For example, in 2019, an AI trained on Schubert’s music completed his Unfinished Symphony and last […]



Read original article Raising Co-Creativity in Cyber-Human Musicianship ERC Advanced Grant awarded to Gérard Assayag Digital cultures are increasingly pushing forward a deep interweaving between human creativity and autonomous computation capabilities of surrounding environments, modeling joint human-machine action into new forms of shared reality involving « symbiotic interactions » found in the arts and, more generally, in […]


Jerôme Nika Research & Creation

Read original article Jérôme Nika (PhD), Researcher in interactions with generative music technologies & Electronic musician. As a researcher in the ISMM team at Ircam, Jérôme Nika’s work focuses on how to model, learn, and navigate an “artificial musical memory” in creative contexts. In opposition to a “replacement approach” where AI would substitute for human, this research aims at designing novel creative practices involving a […]


Cyber-human musical co-creativity: an ERC Advanced Grant for Gérard Assayag

Read original article The IRCAM research professor Gérard Assayag has been awarded a 2019 ERC Advanced Grant for the REACH project (Raising co-creativity in cyber-human Musicianship) which enables him to continue his work on cyber-human musical co-creation. He founded the Musical Representations team at the Science and Technology of Music and Sound Laboratory(STMS — CNRS/IRCAM/Culture and Communication Ministry/Sorbonne […]