Concerts Events Residences Workshops

Sound Thinkin’ – Workshop on music improvisation with co-creative agents

Born from the collaboration between the Jazz and Electronic Music departments of the Alfredo Casella Conservatory of L’Aquila (Italy), the Sound Thinkin’ project – a music improvisation workshop with co-creative computer agents – will begin on February 28, 2024.The workshop will end in an evening of concerts that will be part of the annual review […]

Concerts Conferences Events News Workshops

Piano-AI Dialog And Heart-Breath Visuals In Mystery Machines At MES2024

A collaboration between ERC projects REACH and COSMOS, Elaine Chew and Gérard Assayag present Elez / Boulaine – a semi-improvised dialog between a pianist and generative electronics with real-time visualisation of performer physiology – at Mystery Machines, the closing concert at Mathemusical Encounters in Singapore, an NUS Institute for Mathematical Science workshop. The concert took place at 8pm on […]