Read full article (subscribers only) Extract: Intelligence artificielle, ChatGPT… ces thèmes font aujourd’hui couler beaucoup d’encre. Quels sont les impacts de ces technologies dans le domaine musical? De (vrais) spécialistes répondent à notre (vrai) journaliste. « L’intelligence artificielle (IA) révolutionne la musique en contribuant à la composition, à l’interprétation, à l’analyse, à la transcription […]
New, Generative AI Transforms Poetry into Music
Read original article Artificial intelligence (AI) shows its artistic side in a new algorithm created by researchers from UC San Diego and the Institute for Research and Coordination in Acoustics/Music (IRCAM) in Paris, France. The new algorithm, called the Music Latent Diffusion Model (MusicLDM), helps create music out of “sound poetry,” a practice that uses […]
L’IA, une baguette magique entre les mains des musiciens
L’IA ET LA CREATIVITE ARTISTIQUE (4/4) – Dépeints par certains artistes comme une menace pour la créativité, les algorithmes sont utilisés par d’autres comme un nouvel instrument, capable de stimuler leur imagination, d’accroître leurs capacités de création et de leur ouvrir les portes d’univers jusqu’ici inexplorés. Lire l’article en entier sur le site des Echos […]
Festival Uzeste musical : l’impro pour créer et résister de retour en Gironde
Article complet sur le site de l’Humanité (réservé aux abonnés) Extrait Le rideau se lève ce vendredi 11 août pour le festival Uzeste Musical dans le sud de la Gironde pour neuf journées denses de performances transartistiques conçues par la Compagnie Lubat et ses partenaires. Cette 46e édition s’ouvre par le festival Improtech, une première […]
Creative Computing
Teaching computers to think like a human. Read original article This story was published in the Spring 2023 issue of UC San Diego Magazine. Walk into any jazz club and you’ll be blown away by the musicians’ skills and ability to riff off one another. The performances are dynamic, powerful and improvisational. The experience itself is […]
A scientist’s opinion: Interview with Gérard Assayag on AI in music
Read original article Gérard Assayag is an Ircam research director and head of Ircam Music Representation Team in Paris. He has co-designed various music research software environments which are used in many places for computer assisted composition, analysis and improvisation. How can an AI-tool play music together with a human musician? Gérard Assayag: By listening to music our computer program creates a kind of cartographic map […]
Research Project Will Study How AI Can Be Used In Creative Collaboration
Read original article on Forbes website By Eva Amsen – Contributor – Writing about the overlap of science and art This article has been updated with a clarification about the REACH project Musicians have been experimenting with artificial intelligence for a few years now. For example, in 2019, an AI trained on Schubert’s music completed his Unfinished Symphony and last […]
Jerôme Nika Research & Creation
Read original article Jérôme Nika (PhD), Researcher in interactions with generative music technologies & Electronic musician. As a researcher in the ISMM team at Ircam, Jérôme Nika’s work focuses on how to model, learn, and navigate an “artificial musical memory” in creative contexts. In opposition to a “replacement approach” where AI would substitute for human, this research aims at designing novel creative practices involving a […]