Jerôme Nika Research & Creation
Read original article Jérôme Nika (PhD), Researcher in interactions with generative music technologies & Electronic musician. As a researcher in the ISMM team at Ircam, Jérôme Nika’s work focuses on how to model, learn, and navigate an “artificial musical memory” in creative contexts. In opposition to a “replacement approach” where AI would substitute for human, this research aims at designing novel creative practices involving a […]
Cyber-human musical co-creativity: an ERC Advanced Grant for Gérard Assayag
Read original article The IRCAM research professor Gérard Assayag has been awarded a 2019 ERC Advanced Grant for the REACH project (Raising co-creativity in cyber-human Musicianship) which enables him to continue his work on cyber-human musical co-creation. He founded the Musical Representations team at the Science and Technology of Music and Sound Laboratory(STMS — CNRS/IRCAM/Culture and Communication Ministry/Sorbonne […]