

Read original article Raising Co-Creativity in Cyber-Human Musicianship ERC Advanced Grant awarded to Gérard Assayag Digital cultures are increasingly pushing forward a deep interweaving between human creativity and autonomous computation capabilities of surrounding environments, modeling joint human-machine action into new forms of shared reality involving « symbiotic interactions » found in the arts and, more generally, in […]

marseille gerard assayag

ERC Advanced Grant awarded to Gérard Assayag

Read original article Gérard Assayag, research director at Ircam has received the ERC Advanced Grant (ERC ADG) for his projectREACH (Raising Co-creativity in Cyber-Human Musicianship), a new instance of his long going research in musical AI and creative systems. REACH : Raising co-crEAtivity in Cyber-Human musicianship The interweaving of human creativity with surrounding computational environment gives rise to new […]