Homepage #2

Concerts Conferences Events Non classé

Elez-Boulaine : Homage to Pierre Boulez in Portrait Of The Artist In The Age Of AI

ERC COSMOS is pleased to partner with ERC REACH in a demonstration-performance to set the stage for a panel discussion and a performance on AI’s impact on art creation, at the Night of Ideas at the Institut Français du Royaume-Uni (17 Queensberry Place London SW7 2DT)on 6 February at 19h20-20h10 in Les Salons. The event is free and open to the public with registration. […]

L’Homme à la Machine

L’Ircam, le lieu de la « co-créativité humain-machine »

Boulez Rebooted


Concerts Conferences Events Non classé

Elez-Boulaine : Homage to Pierre Boulez in Portrait Of The Artist In The Age Of AI

ERC COSMOS is pleased to partner with ERC REACH in a demonstration-performance to set the stage for a panel discussion and a performance on AI’s impact on art creation, at the Night of Ideas at the Institut Français du Royaume-Uni (17 Queensberry Place London SW7 2DT)on 6 February at 19h20-20h10 in Les Salons. The event is free and open to the public with registration. […]

Elez-Boulaine , Homage to Boulez, Institut Français London

John Cage Solo for Sliding Trombone, Performance Cases of an Open Work using Artificial Intelligence

Boulez Rebooted

La « batterie fragile » en résidence REACH



The REACH project aims to understand, model and develop musical co-creativity between humans and machines through improvised interactions, enabling musicians of all cultures and levels to create new artistic forms, develop their skills and increase their individual and social creative potential.