Media Radio/TV

Elaine Chew – Delighted to work with director Anna Schmidt (Neuhaus) on the Arte documentary

Delighted to work with director Anna Schmidt (Neuhaus) on the Arte documentary, The Future of Music, joined by Gerard Assayag in the Boulez Homage with somax2 and heartfm 👉 More photos + story of Leipzig jaunt (scroll to bottom)

Very pleased to find heartfm research software engineer Charles Picasso and Arnaud Recher (missed Emmanuel Flety) who contributed to heartfm prototyping at IRCAM. Also on set were Tom Chapman (sound) and Paul Pflueger (camera)

European Research CouncilErc ReachKing’s College LondonKing’s Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering SciencesCNRSSorbonne UniversitéMinistère de la Culture#musictheranostics#cardiovascularhealth#MusicAI

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