
Improvised Musical Interaction with Creative Agents

Marco Fiorini, Improvised Musical Interaction with Creative Agents, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Juin 2023

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Abstract: This thesis was written as the final project of the Master of Science in Sound and Music Computing at Aalborg University Copenhagen. 

The presented work has been carried out in the Music Representations team at IRCAM – STMS Lab in Paris, between February and May 2023. During this stay, several applications for assisted cyber-human improvisation have been explored, finally focusing on the co-creative generative software Somax. New features have been researched, implemented and tested, and two artistic residencies with well known improvising musicians has been carried on, leading to performances in international renowned festivals.

This research brought up a number of interesting outcomes that will be explored in a future collaboration, regarding the behaviour of autonomous agents for human-machine improvisation as well as the extension of the artistic residencies in question.

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