Born from the collaboration between the Jazz and Electronic Music departments of the Alfredo Casella Conservatory of L’Aquila (Italy), the Sound Thinkin’ project – a music improvisation workshop with co-creative computer agents – will begin on February 28, 2024.
The workshop will end in an evening of concerts that will be part of the annual review of the electroAQustica festival in October 2024.
The project’s pedagogical goal is to popularize improvisational practice with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence co-creative agents, thanks to the concrete support of IRCAM research team personnel. This interaction will also enjoy, thanks to the interdisciplinary nature of the teachers involved, a dual point of view, with great focus on the role of the musician as improviser. This is also intended to be a concrete action of music production, aimed at the realization of a concert and the search for a common aesthetic to be developed together with the students participating in the workshop, in view of the final return, giving them the opportunity to experience a real artistic residency.
Workshop conducted by Marco Fiorini (IRCAM, REACH) and tellKujira (Ambra Chiara Michelangeli, Stefano Calderano, Francesco Guerri, Francesco Diodati).