Media Music

Hommage to Boulez, George Lewis & Douglas Ewart

Two telematic tributes over the ocean (Brazil / France)

Flute: Cassia Carrascoza Bomfim Somax2 Generative Electronics: Mikhail Malt

Somax2 « plays » (or re-imagine) George Lewis & Douglas Ewart music from  » Jila – Save! Mon. – The Imaginary Suite » LP (Black Saint – 120026-2), and pieces by Pierre Boulez

These two pieces are the result of ongoing work on a number of telematic improvisation issues, including listening space and memory. « Co-improvisation in the virtual space: corporeality, memory, and artificial intelligence »

The Cássia Carrascoza and Mikhail Malt’s duo have been working “telematically” since 2022, connected via JackTrip/Zoom and working in improvisation sessions mediated by SOMAX2, a program that involves the cooperation of artificial and human intelligence directed towards interactive musical improvisation.

We started from our common musical background and focus on creating a sound environment where expressiveness and emotionality are structured through feedback of stimuli permeated by artificial intelligence. These stimuli motivate our listening and generate continuously adapted musical impulses, leading us to create unpredictable sound structures. We are also working on the problem of musical sound spatialization in a telematic environment, using the SPAT software, a real-time audio processor that allows the localization of sound sources in 3D. This system was designed for playback in electroacoustic systems and was also developed at IRCAM.

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