Restitution de la résidence de recherche artistique, de Valérie Philippin et Mikhail Malt, dans le cadre du projet REACH et présentation de Somax2

full video at
In 2023, Mikhail Malt invited Valérie Philippin to a creative research residency at Ircam during the 2023-24 season, to develop Somax2 around the (re)composition of speech and create an artistic form mixing improvisations by the artificial intelligence and the two musicians.
A first stage at Ircam enabled the software to be developed with a view to improvising between speech and song, and to sketch out in the studio an artistic form combining text, song and electroacoustic sounds.
This lecture/concert, as part of Ircam’s Manifeste festival for young musicians attending the festival’s academy, is a restitution of the work accomplished to date.
A second stage of this research will continue at SCRIME (Bordeaux), with the aim of developing the singular artistic form resulting from the interaction of the machine with the two musicians.

The Somax2 improvisation software is developed by Ircam’s Musical Representation team and is part of the ANR MERCI project (Mixed Musical Reality with Creative Instruments) and ERC REACH project (Raising Co-creativity in Cyber-Human Musicianship).
Further information at and
About the project
Valérie: … and very quickly I had the feeling that sinking into the depths of the landscape deployed by the Somax instrument was like entering the labyrinth. A combination of multiple tracks, hyper-structured