Presented during the IRCAM Forum Workshop 2023 In Paris by Mikhail Malt and Marco Fiorini. Somax 2.5 is an application and a library for live co-creative interaction with musicians in improvisation composition or installation scenarios. It is based on a machine listening, reactive engine and generative model that provide stylistically coherent improvisation while continuously adapting […]
Switching Machine Improvisation Models by Latent Transfer Entropy Criteria
Shlomo Dubnov, Vignesh Gokul, Gérard Assayag. Switching Machine Improvisation Models by Latent Transfer Entropy Criteria. Physical Sciences Forum, 2023, 5 (1), pp.49. ff10.3390/psf2022005049ff.ffhal-04010744 Full publication Abstract: Music improvisation is the ability of musical generative systems to interact with either another music agent or a human improviser. This is a challenging task, as it is not trivial […]
Switching machine improvisation models by latent transfer entropy criteria
Read full publication. Published by Shlomo Dubnov, Vignesh Gokul, Gérard Assayag. Abstract: Music improvisation is the ability of musical generative systems to interact with either another music agent or a human improviser. This is a challenging task, as it is not trivial to define a quantitative measure that evaluates the creativity of the musical agent. […]
Co-créativité humains-machines. Une réflexion sur les indisciplines symboliques.
Lire l’article intégral sur HAL Article pour la Revue Francophone d’Informatique et Musique, 2020, n° 7-8 – Culture du code. Une pertinence musicale portée à la fois par des agents humains et artificiels qui coopèrent estelle possible, en particulier dans une démarche qui dépasse les rigidités de genre et de disciplines ? L’auteur part de […]
Somax 2 a Reactive Multi-Agent Environment for Co-Improvisation
Joakim Borg, Gérard Assayag, Mikhail Malt SMC 2022 – Sound Music & Computing, Jun 2022, Saint-Étienne, France. Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference, 2022 Read full publication. Abstract: Somax 2 is a multi-agent interactive system performing live machine co-improvisation with musicians, based on machine-listening, machine-learning, and generative units. The actual version ([Borg […]
The Value of Music on TikTok and New Musical Practices
Marc Chemillier et Yohann Rabearivelo, « Valeur de la musique sur TikTok et nouvelles pratiques musicales », Volume !, 20 : 1 | 2023, 107-121. Full publication Abstract: With a powerful algorithm and creative features available to its users, TikTok is a platform for publishing short audiovisual content that has made a name for itself […]
Dicy2 for Ableton Live
Jérôme Nika, Augustin Muller, Joakim Borg, Manuel Poletti, Gérard Assayag Ircam. 2022 Read full article. Abstract: Dicy2 for Live is an Ableton Live plugin using machine learning to interactively generate sequences in a musical relationship to a real-time analysis of an incoming audio stream. It can be integrated into musical situations ranging from the production […]
Dicy2 for Max
Jérôme Nika, Augustin Muller, Joakim Borg, Gérard Assayag, Matthew Ostrowski Ircam UMR STMS 9912. 2022 Read full article. Abstract: Dicy2 for Max is a suite of Max abstractions which use machine learning for interactive generation of musical sequences. It can be integrated into musical situations ranging from the production of structured material within a compositional […]
Machine-man Co-improvisation: Incursion of Djazz in Flamenco
Dominique Costa, Séraphin Costa, Mikhail Malt, Marc Chemillier, Gerard Assayag, Machine-Musician Co-improvisation: A Djazz Incursion into Flamenco, Filippo Borini Baraldi (eds.), Proceedings of the Second Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Sound, Movement, and the Sciences (SoMoS), Barcelona, October 26, 2022, published 2023, p. 59-62.h Full publication Download publication Abstract: Flamenco is a traditional […]
Mathematical Morphology Operators for Harmonic Analysis
Gonzalo Romero-García, Isabelle Bloch, Carlos Agon MCM 2022 – 8th International Conference Mathematics and Computation in Music, Jun 2022, Atlanta, United States. pp.255-266 Read full publication. Abstract: Mathematical Morphology provides powerful tools for image processing, analysis and understanding. In this paper, we will work on how to apply these tools to analyze scores, that are […]