
Creative Improvised Interaction with Generative Musical Systems

Shlomo Dubnov, Gérard Assayag, Vignesh Gokul. Creative Improvised Interaction with Generative Musical Systems. 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Multimedia InformationProcessing and Retrieval (MIPR), IEEE, Aug 2022, CA (virtual), United States. pp.121-126,ff10.1109/MIPR54900.2022.00028ff. ffhal-04010750f Full article Download PDF Abstract: In this paper we survey the methods for control and cre- ative interaction with pre-trained generative models […]


A posthumous improvisation by Toots Thielemans

Marc Chemillier, Shlomo Dubnov, Ke Chen, Mikhail Malt, Gérard Assayag. A posthumous improvisation by Toots Thielemans. Toots Thielemans (1922-2016). A Century of Music across Europe and America, Royal Library of Belgium, Bruxelles., 2023. Full publication Download publication Abstract: In jazz, the presence of the musician is of such central importance that the recordings considered to […]


The smile of Velonjoro. Bi-musicality and the use of artificial intelligence in the analysis of Madagascar zither music

Marc Chemillier, April 15, 2022, October 10, 2023 Read full publication Abstract: Mantle Hood’s notion of bi-musicality coined on the model of bilingual, applied to people able to play music from two different cultures. This notion is still used and discussed today although it is redefined in the era of globalization and postcolonial issues where […]


Computational Analysis of Musical Structures based on Morphological Filters

Paul Lascabettes, Carlos Agon, Moreno Andreatta, Isabelle Bloch MCM 2022 – 8th International Conference Mathematics and Computation in Music, Jun 2022, Atlanta, United States. pp.267-278 Read full publication. Abstract: This paper deals with the computational analysis of musical structures by focusing on the use of morphological filters. We first propose to generalize the notion of […]


Organigrammes informatiques : présence humaine et intelligence artificielle dans les arts et la culture

Marc Chemillier Marion Laval-Jeantet; Yann Toma. Organigrammes. L’art face aux mondes complexes. Read full publication. Abstract: Les organigrammes sont utilisés en informatique dans ce qu’on appelle les « organigrammes deprogrammation ». Ce sont des représentations graphiques normalisées de l’enchaînement desopérations et des décisions effectuées par un programme d’ordinateur. Même si on ne les visualisepas explicitement, […]


Artisticiel / Cyber-Improvisations

Bernard Lubat, Gérard Assayag, Marc Chemillier Association Improvisation Musicale et Technologie. Phonofaune, 2021, Dialogiques d’Uzeste, Bernard Lubat Read full publication. Abstract: Dans la collection des Dialogiques d’Uzeste, le musicien de jazz Bernard Lubat dialogue avec les systèmes d’intelligence artificielle (IA) musicale créés par l’équipe Représentations musicales de l’Ircam et leurs concepteurs Gérard Assayag (Ircam-STMS) et […]


Co-Creation: Early Steps and Future Prospects

George Lewis In Bernard Lubat, Gérard Assayag, Marc Chemillier. Artisticiel / Cyber-Improvisations. Phonofaune, 2021, Dialogiques d’Uzeste., 2021 Read full publication. Abstract: I’ve been making interactive computer music and installations since around 1979, focusing on the development of programs that analyze aspects of their environment (in most cases, the improvisations of other human performers) in real […]

marseille gerard assayag

Human-Machine Co-Creativity

Gérard Assayag in Bernard Lubat, Gérard Assayag, Marc Chemillier. Artisticiel / Cyber-Improvisations. Phonofaune, 2021, Dialogiques d’Uzeste. ⟨hal-03542917⟩, 2021 Read full publication. Abstract: Is it possible to conceive a kind of musical significance that would be carried by both human and artificial agents, cooperating together, especially if it is supported by a vision unfettered from rigidity […]


Jazz and Artificial Intelligence : From Presence to Traces

Marc Chemillier In Bernard Lubat, Gérard Assayag, Marc Chemillier. Artisticiel / Cyber-Improvisations. Phonofaune, 2021, Dialogiques d’Uzeste., 2021 Read full publication. Abstract: In the Dialogues d’Uzeste collection, the jazz musician Bernard Lubat interacts with musical artificial intelligence systems (AI) created by the Musical Representations team at IRCAM and with their designers: Gérard Assayag (IRCAM-STMS) and Marc […]


Combining Real-Time Extraction and Prediction of Musical Chord Progressions for Creative Applications

Tristan Carsault, Jérôme Nika, Philippe Esling, Gérard Assayag Electronics, 2021, 10 (21), pp.2634. Read full publication. Abstract: Recently, the field of musical co-creativity has gained some momentum. In this context, our goal is twofold: to develop an intelligent listening and predictive module of chord sequences, and to propose an adapted evaluation of the associated Music […]