Conferences Workshops

News on Somax version 2.5

Presented during the IRCAM Forum Workshop 2023 In Paris by Mikhail Malt and Marco Fiorini. Somax 2.5 is an application and a library for live co-creative interaction with musicians in improvisation composition or installation scenarios. It is based on a machine listening, reactive engine and generative model that provide stylistically coherent improvisation while continuously adapting […]


Switching Machine Improvisation Models by Latent Transfer Entropy Criteria

Shlomo Dubnov, Vignesh Gokul, Gérard Assayag. Switching Machine Improvisation Models by Latent Transfer Entropy Criteria. Physical Sciences Forum, 2023, 5 (1), pp.49. ff10.3390/psf2022005049ff.ffhal-04010744 Full publication Abstract: Music improvisation is the ability of musical generative systems to interact with either another music agent or a human improviser. This is a challenging task, as it is not trivial […]

centre pompidou humain machine AI

Co-créativité humains-machines. Une réflexion sur les indisciplines symboliques.

Lire l’article intégral sur HAL Article pour la Revue Francophone d’Informatique et Musique, 2020, n° 7-8 – Culture du code. Une pertinence musicale portée à la fois par des agents humains et artificiels qui coopèrent estelle possible, en particulier dans une démarche qui dépasse les rigidités de genre et de disciplines ? L’auteur part de […]

Conferences Publications

Machine-man Co-improvisation: Incursion of Djazz in Flamenco

Dominique Costa, Séraphin Costa, Mikhail Malt, Marc Chemillier, Gerard Assayag, Machine-Musician Co-improvisation: A Djazz Incursion into Flamenco, Filippo Borini Baraldi (eds.), Proceedings of the Second Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Sound, Movement, and the Sciences (SoMoS), Barcelona, October 26, 2022, published 2023, p. 59-62.h Full publication Download publication Abstract: Flamenco is a traditional […]


Creative Improvised Interaction with Generative Musical Systems

Shlomo Dubnov, Gérard Assayag, Vignesh Gokul. Creative Improvised Interaction with Generative Musical Systems. 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Multimedia InformationProcessing and Retrieval (MIPR), IEEE, Aug 2022, CA (virtual), United States. pp.121-126,ff10.1109/MIPR54900.2022.00028ff. ffhal-04010750f Full article Download PDF Abstract: In this paper we survey the methods for control and cre- ative interaction with pre-trained generative models […]


A posthumous improvisation by Toots Thielemans

Marc Chemillier, Shlomo Dubnov, Ke Chen, Mikhail Malt, Gérard Assayag. A posthumous improvisation by Toots Thielemans. Toots Thielemans (1922-2016). A Century of Music across Europe and America, Royal Library of Belgium, Bruxelles., 2023. Full publication Download publication Abstract: In jazz, the presence of the musician is of such central importance that the recordings considered to […]


The smile of Velonjoro. Bi-musicality and the use of artificial intelligence in the analysis of Madagascar zither music

Marc Chemillier, April 15, 2022, October 10, 2023 Read full publication Abstract: Mantle Hood’s notion of bi-musicality coined on the model of bilingual, applied to people able to play music from two different cultures. This notion is still used and discussed today although it is redefined in the era of globalization and postcolonial issues where […]