Concerts Conferences Events News Workshops

Piano-AI Dialog And Heart-Breath Visuals In Mystery Machines At MES2024

A collaboration between ERC projects REACH and COSMOS, Elaine Chew and Gérard Assayag present Elez / Boulaine – a semi-improvised dialog between a pianist and generative electronics with real-time visualisation of performer physiology – at Mystery Machines, the closing concert at Mathemusical Encounters in Singapore, an NUS Institute for Mathematical Science workshop. The concert took place at 8pm on […]


Mathematical Morphology for the Analysis and Generation of Time-Frequency Representations of Music

Gonzalo Romero-García. Mathematical Morphology for the Analysis and Generation of TimeFrequency Representations of Music. Signal and Image Processing. Sorbonne Université, 2023. English. ffNNT : 2023SORUS554ff. fftel-04470770f Full publication Download publication Abstract: This thesis explores the application of Mathematical Morphology to the analysis and generation of music, focusing on two time-frequency representations: spectrograms and piano rolls. […]


Discovering Repeated Patterns From the Onsets in a Multidimensional Representation of Music

Paul Lascabettes & Isabelle Bloch. Discovering Repeated Patterns from Onsets, Third International Conference on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology, (DGMM), Firenze, Italy, accepted. Full publication Download publication Abstract: This article deals with the discovery of repeated patterns in a multidimensional representation of music using the theory of mathematical morphology. The main idea proposed here is […]


Binaural sound source localization using a hybrid time and frequency domain model

Gil Geva, Binaural sound source localization using a hybrid time and frequency domain model, Master Reichman University, Sept 2023 (direction S. Dubnov, O. Warusfel,G. Assayag) Full publication Download publication Abstract: This paper introduces a new approach to sound source localization using head-related transfer function (HRTF) characteristics, which enable precise full-sphere localization from raw data. While […]

Publications Software

Cocreative Interaction: Somax2 and the REACH Project

Full publication By Gérard Assayag, Laurent Bonnasse-Gahot, Joakim Borg Abstract: Somax2 is an artificial intelligence (AI)-based multiagent system for human–machine co-improvisation that generates stylistically coherent streams while continuously listening and adapting to musicians or other agents. The model on which it is based can be used with little configuration to interact with humans in full autonomy, […]


Binaural sound source localization using a hybrid time and frequency domain model

Read full publication. Published by Gil Geva, Olivier Warusfel, Shlomo Dubnov, Tammuz Dubnov, Amir Amedi, Yacov Hel-Or. Abstract: This paper introduces a new approach to sound source localization using head-related transfer function (HRTF) characteristics, which enable precise full-sphere localization from raw data. While previous research focused primarily on using extensive microphone arrays in the frontal […]